Lori Holt - Light Blues (12) - PROMO Fat Quarter Bundle - by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet for Riley Blake - FQB LHLIGHTBLUES 12
Lori Holt Light Blues- Fat Quarter Bundle (12) 18" x 21" pieces - by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet - Riley Blake
For fans of blue and Lori Holt - these bundles are perfect!! All the blue you'll ever need in one bundle, featuring prints from various Lori Holt collections!
100% Cotton Fabrics
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We are also selling the kits for her quilts, templates, and most of her notions!
Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet is FAMOUS - for her Quilt-Alongs. Sew many people love her easy to follow designs, tutorials, applique tools, fabric lines and her personal comments on Instagram! The nice thing is the Quilt Alongs stay on her website - forever! Yay! I'm working on her Bee Happy quilt Along - check out the Bee Happy fabrics for photos as the fabrics are still available!!
We are carrying her layer cakes, fat quarters and charm packs in the Sew Alongs.
You can find the full description of information on Lori's website BLOG at BEEINMYBONNETCO.BLOGSPOT.COM and see all of her previous Quilt Alongs and project information.
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Thank you for shopping with us! Let us know if you have any questions!
Everything is from a smoke-free studio!
International shoppers!!! We ship internationally! Thanks!